
Product Introspection: Horween Leather II

Clipper Jacket IT *Isetan Shinjuku Exclusive
Horween Horse Hide Leather

Horse Hide Leather

Horse hide, known for its thinness and durability, is legendary as a garment material, particularly for jackets. With the exception of cordovan, horse hide has a lower fiber density than cow hide and is therefore not as durable. The flip side of this is that horse hide is also that much softer than cowhide, making it suitable for use in clothing garments, where softness and pliability are favored over raw durability and tensile strength. Since horses are active animals that are naturally scratched and scarred throughout their lifetimes, high quality hides with few markings are rare and extremely precious.
Brigadier Boots Hi-Folk (Bison)
Horween Bison Leather

Bison Leather

Bison leather, known for its robustness and resistance to scratches, is used in a variety of applications, such as shoes and accessories. The American bison had once inhabited a large area of North America, roaming the plains from Alaska all the way down to northern Mexico. Native Americans depended on the bison for survival, using its meat for food and its hides for warmth, and only hunting what was necessary. At the beginning of the 20th century, however, settler's with rifles almost hunted the buffalo to extinction, leaving only a few hundred left in the wilderness. Thanks to recent conservation efforts, the buffalo population in America is steadily recovering and in no longer in danger of being wiped out.

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