
Product Introspection: F/W 14-15 II

Indigo Skein Dyed Check Fabric

This is an indigo skein dyed wool fabric. In contrast to natural indigo dye, synthetic indigo dye is known for maintaining an even color all the way through to the center of the yarn. We have taken this dye and hand-dyed yarns while still in their 'skein' state (loose bunch of yarn), creating a unique, uneven look that is different from both synthetic indigo dyed fabrics and natural indigo dyed fabrics.
A young artisan from Kojima, Okayama, famous for its denim production, is pushing the envelope for what is possible with synthetic indigo. We're tackling new problems together using a very experimental trial and error process, and look forward to the day that our current research initiatives come to life as Visvim products.

Wale Corduroy

In order to recreate a material that embodied the spirit of the 1960's, we mixed cotton and linen of varying fiber lengths to create an uneven, thick-rigged corduroy that is full of character. Of course, the corduroy that was produced back in the 60's was limited by the production techniques of the time and it's likely that the unevenness was unintentional, but to those of us who are surrounded by flat products in this modern day and age, it's refreshing to see garments with an imperfect, almost humanistic side.
Trying to remake products exactly as they were years ago is futile, since we cannot reproduce the techniques and processes, and even if we could, the meaning behind the product would change along with the intention of the creator. Rather than simply reproducing old products, there are more possibilities in exploring old techniques as a basis and an inspiration for fresh, new products.

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