
The Talks V

Tom Hanks: "You get lazy making movies"

Mr. Hanks, what kind of film shoots do you hate the most?

The most uncomfortable you can be making a movie, I swear to God, is if you have to shoot a wedding scene for two weeks. A wedding scene is a nightmare. You have to wear a tuxedo every day, and it has to look nice, and they are always combing your hair. It's a drag and every day you have to pretend to be at the wedding for two days. I'd rather do a thing where I get beaten up for a couple of hours every day. It's a more realistic experience.

Well Cast Away, Apollo 13, Saving Private Ryan, Captain Phillips - all those films seem to fall more into that category.

What those films have in common is that they are rooted somehow in a degree non-fiction. But the facts aren't nearly as important as the behavior we are able to glean from them. All those movies fascinated me before we started making them because there was something about the human behavior you have to get to. The movies are all about what I would do if I was in those same circumstances. If you do it well, you can make a movie that is surprising. That's why I go to the movies - to see something I have never seen before and to be surprised: "Oh I didn't know that." That's what I want to see.

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