
Neighborhood X Carhartt WIP

The latest collaboration between Neighborhood and Carhartt WIP is the product of a long-standing friendship stemming from a shared workwear history and a passion for crafted products synonymous with a contemporary lifestyle.
Developed using high quality materials, each piece is designed with a close attention to detail and a clean aesthetic. The subsequent collision of skill and attitude results in the first complete capsule collection between the two brands.
The first encounter goes back to March 2012, when a limited edition Neighborhood X Carhartt WIP T-Shirt and an umbrella produced by London Undercover were released to celebrate the opening of the Carhartt WIP Store in Shoreditch, London.
Arriving in Japan on the 23rd August and hitting selected international Carhartt WIP stores and retailers on 4th September, the Neighborhood X Carhartt WIP collection reinterprets iconic styles from both camps, creating an unexpected and modern result.
The defining aspect of the collection is the use of the emblematic Neighborhood Leopard print on traditional Carhartt Dearborn Canvas.
The collection comprises of a selection of pants, jackets, shirts, hooded sweaters and T-Shirt, as well as an assortment of accessories including Watch Caps, Knit Hats, an iPad case, and a fragrance room tag.
As part of the collection, an apron and iPhone case will be exclusively released in Japan.

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