
Seven II

Somerset : You want to be a champion. What you mean tells you, people don't want a champion, they want to eat cheeseburgers, play lotto and watch television.
Mills : How did you get like this. I want to know.
Somerset : It wasn't one thing. I'll tell you that.
Mills : Go on.
Somerset : I don't think I can continue to live in a place that embraces and nurtures apathy as if it was a virtue.
Mills : You aren't different or you aren't better.
Somerset : I didn't say I was. I'm not. Hell, I sympathize. I sympathize completely. Apathy is a solution. I mean It is easier to lose yourself in drugs than it is to cope with life. It is easier to steal what you want than to earn it. It is easier to beat a child than to raise it. Love costs. It takes efforts and works.
Mills : We're talking about people mentally ill. We're talking about people fucking crazies.
Somerset : No, we're not.
Mills : Yes, today.
Somerset : No, we're talking about everyday life here. You can't afford to be this naive.
Mills : Fuck off. See you. You should listen to yourself.
Somerset : Yeah.
Mills : You say that the problem is people did don't care. So, I don't care about people. It makes a nonsense. You know why?
Somerset : You care?
Mills : Damn right.
Somerset : You'll go to make a difference.
Mills : Whatever. The point is that I don't think you're quitting, because you believe these things you say, I don't. I think you want to believe it because you're quitting. And you want me to agree with you and want me to say 'Yeah, you're right. It's all fucked up. It's a fucking mess. We should all go to live in a fucking log cabin.' But I won't. I won't say that. I don't agree with you. I do not. I can't.

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